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Covid and Cambodia - It’s not all bad news.

As the world adjusts Covid infection rate figures on a daily basis, the government in Cambodia has been very pro-active in curbing the spread, and the virus continues to infect very few people there.

Despite all these efforts, however, Cambodia has not been spared the knock-on effects that the virus has wreaked on the global economy. The main drivers of Cambodia’s economy, tourism and the garment industry, have been hit hard.

Reasons for hope

It has been a difficult time, but Cambodia Action’s partner churches who minister mostly to garment factory workers, report that there is hope. Many workers who were laid off months ago are beginning to be able to return to work, and the minimum wage has been raised. This is a huge blessing to the hundreds of thousands of workers in Cambodia.

Additionally, schools are open again, which as well as being a vital source of education and social interaction for the kids, has relieved the burden on parents, who for months had to adjust their working hours and restructure their home lives.

Finally, in October the Ministry of Health announced that restrictions on churches have been lifted and that churches and groups may gather to worship. This is really wonderful news for Cambodia Action’s many link Pastors who have battled to minister to their flock online.

Pray for the Church in Cambodia at this difficult time, for boldness and creativity, as they reach out with the message of hope in Jesus, and provide practical support for those working in the garment industry.

By Chris

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